Sunday, July 29, 2007


I'm not sure if I should show you this. I did this job back when I was working on my graduation project. it's not that good, it was for some biotechnology company called "Spectrum", I used a purchased template design, no animation at all, few actionscript lines and I didn't do a CMS, I confess.. I did it only for money.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hide & Seek

I don't know how to express myself out on this, but here is the thing...
  • I completed  my graduation project on time.
  • I got a A+ on that project, and I ranked second of my class.
  • I officially graduated form college. now I have a "Bachelor of Fine Arts".
I called the movie "Hide & Seek" and here it is.. knock yourself out :D

Monday, July 2, 2007

2 Weeks

I have only 2 weeks to complete my graduation project. as with the tiny idea that I have. it's growing now to be a good plot. I added a good twist to it, and finally I'm beginning to like it. I settled down in my apartment in "Menia", I have a new powerful PC, my "Genius" tablet, and I have a big sign on my monitor that says "DON'T PANIC!" now I'm depending on my luck! speaking of luck.. lucky me I'm almost broke these days... so much spending, no income at all. my brother is fixing this, he is trying to get me a freelance web-design job. as for me I fell like coding scripting will be really confusing at the moment.

At the mean time.. I didn't start production, it's all just pre-production work, sketches, concept art, character designs, backgrounds and storyboards. I'm not going to show you this now. but here is some sketches that I did in  Manga Studio with my Genius. I did this to stop myself from panicking!