Sunday, May 20, 2007


Genius is my new friend, "Genius" is a pen Tablet that I bought to save myself, it's funny that you can by something that will save you! as if it really would. anyway I'm still not accustom to it. using Tablet is a really hard thing to do I'm telling you. before I get it.. I felt that it was a must. as I know that the more you become digitized the more you can go on. but now that I have it.. I feel like I want to run away from it!

It's not the Tablet but it's me. it's my graduation nightmare. I still don't see the film in my mind. what keeps me from going on is that I hope that I come up with a new idea that will push everything. but still nothing. I think I'm stuck with the idea that "Galal" gave me. but it's just like a seed of a an idea, and it didn't grew up yet.

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