Robocon is a robot contest! it's being held by Higher Education Ministry and ERTU "Egypt Radio and Television Union" for the colleges and institutes to contribute as teams, I guess the purpose is to encourage the robotic industries. the event holds locally every year in different countries around the world under the banner of ABU "Asia-pacific Broadcasting Union", and holds Internationally in one of those countries every year also.
This year Robocon international contest will be held in Egypt. aside from the local Robocon contest. That's two big events in one year. anyway a friend of mine in Maspiro "Sherif" -He has my name!- recommended me to the Union to design the logo and identity of this year's both local and international contests.
I started with putting concept arts and logo designs as a presentation to the organizers. nothing they liked so far. I still can't tell what are they have in mind.